Tuesday 19 December 2017


These are developing outlets, which have not yet made a strong base in India. In places like U.S, U.K etc they have already make their mark and are best accepted. Mc Donald has stared this type of service in few of its outlets. This kind of restaurant may be attached to a hotel or stand-alone. They are normally situated at highways or near petrol pumps etc. This kind of outlet has no seating arrangement only a path around the outlet for vehicles to enter and exit. It has one or two counters where the attendant takes your order and payment, at the other counter if any pick up / delivery of the food is order is done. These outlets are time saving and economical.

Chai- bars
Just like coffee bar these outlets also deals with only one kind of beverage i.e. tea. In India, tea in the Hindi language is known as “chai”. These outlets may mostly have an informal atmosphere and seating arrangement. The menu here includes variety of tea based on different regions, method of preparation etc. These outlets may also provide light snacks on the menu to go along with the beverage. These outlets may be stand-alone or may be attached to a restaurant. If attached to a restaurant the same premises is used for service with a different menu card or tent card only for tea.

These outlets may be attached to a hotel, pastry shop or may be stand-alone. They may or may not have a seating arrangement. They may have a kitchen/ place attached to the outlet where bakery items are prepared. The ready to eat food items are then put at the counter for display. . The food items mainly deal with various bread preparations .The guests can then choose his food and make payment over or at the end of the counter.

Grill and eat
These are restaurants, which give a lot of emphasis on guests and their interests in food. The main attraction being the fact that guest has to pick ingredients, raw meat, vegetables etc of their choice from the counter & cook food himself on grillers / cooking range provided on the table itself. The grillers or cooking range is a part of the décor. The chefs are available for assistance at all times. The guests may not have knowledge of cooking & might harm themselves hence safety and first aid is also given importance. These kinds of restaurants may be attached to a hotel or stand-alone. Here they do have an elaborate seating arrangement. The restaurant may or may not a theme for itself depending upon the country, region or cuisine they are dealing with.

QSR: quick service restaurant
Theses are fast food outlets, which give importance not only to the pace but also to the quality of service delivered. These are basically stand-alone restaurants that might have a brand name attached to them; hence quality plays an important role here. The seating arrangement and ambience is usually informal. The service staff may or may not collect order from the table as some of these restaurants have counter service available.


Depending upon different factors like the client, the location, the volume of operation, peak hours etc. service can be of many different types to suit the requirements of a particular establishment. An establishment can have a particular type of service or a combination of service depending upon the requirement of the restaurant. The different types of service which one can some across are:

Silver service: 
This type of service involves service from entrée dishes and platters with the help of service spoon and fork on to the guest plate by the steward or the waiter. This is a very formal type of service which is carried out in very exclusive restaurants. Such kind of a service require skilled and professional staff. The service is slower in comparison to plated service. This is also known as English service.

Preplated Service: 
This kind of service involves service of preplated food. The food is pre portioned. Placed and garnished on the plate itself in the kitchen. The steward is supposed to just place the plate infront of the guest. Such kind of service does not require much skill and generally carried out in the coffeeshop where emphasis is on the pace of service and not on the quality of service. This is also called American service.

French Service: 
This service involves presentation of food to the guest individually by the service staff and the guests help themselves. This is also known as buttler service. Such kind of service is generally seen in the military establishment.

Russian Service:
 This kind of service involves the lay up of the table with the food already presented for the guest to have themselves. Sometimes wrongly referred to as gueridon service.

Gueridon service: 
This service involves preparation of food gueridon or the side table infront of the full view of the guests. Gueridon service involves operations like filleting, flambeying, carving, jointing etc. This kind of service generally requires special skills and generally seen in very high class restaurant. One of the most common item which is prepared on the gueridon is salads. In gueridon service the main preparations are done in the kitchen and the final touch is given on the gueridon inside the restaurant in the full view of the guests.

Bar counter service:
 hear the service is done on the semicircular counter to the guest who are seated on the other side of the counter. Generally seen in the bars. Now a day's seen in some fast food outlets as well.

Buffet service: 
this service involve presentation of food on the buffet counter in chafing dishes and large. platters and the guest are supposed to help themselves
A stand of buffet the only cutlery kept on the buffet is fork the guest have to help themselves from a separate counter for water as well. The guest are supposed to keep their dirty plate at a designet place and the stewards are supposed to clear them at a time.when a lot of guests are to be served in a short span of time this service is carried out.

Room service: 
this is done from the room service dept. of the hotel to guests staying in the room of the hotel only. Here the service is done with the help of trayes and trollies.the trollies are generally attached with hot cases to keep the food hot. Here the food is pre plated from kitchen and when it is carried on a tray the plate is covered with the plate cover.

Cafeteria service :
hear the food are displayed in the counters the guest are supposed to move around the counter to pick up the food as per they liking and pay at the end pf the counter. In certain cases the payment is done in way of coupons. Such kind of a service is generally seen in railway station and air ports.

Free flow:
 Here the guest can freely move to any service point but the exit is generally through one particular point where the bill may be paid. The advantage is that the guest does not have to stay in a queue for his meal.

Automatic vending machine: 
such kind of a service involves service from a machine is require a coin or token of a particular denomination and the product comes out through an outlet in the machine itself. These machine are not extensively used in India and the use is still confined to tea, coffee and packed milk etc.

 counters are at an angle in a free flow area for saving of space and expedite the service
Food court: there are counter of different cuisine and separate dining area . food can be picked up from the chosen area and it can be eaten in the dining area.

Super market:
 here there are island service counters and a separate dining area . here food can be picked up from any counter without having to wait or stand in a queue and can be eaten in the designated dining area.

Tray and trolley service: (in situ)
 this refer to service in an area which is not designed for the proper service of food and beverage like hospital and office premises. Here the service is done with the help of tray and trolley.

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