Saturday 23 December 2017

some important principles you need to know about cleaning

Cleaning Agents:

§Cleaning agents are perhaps the most critical aids of housekeeping staff in their job to keep their house neat and clean.
§Cleaning agents in general can be defined as natural or synthetic substances that are used to assist the cleaning process.
§Cleaning is primarily the removal of dirt and dust. The various kinds of cleaning agents used for house keeping staffs are as follows:
§1) Detergents     6) Deodorants
§2) Acid Cleaners     7) Laundry aids
§3) Alkaline cleaners     8) Polishes
§ 4) Solvent cleaners   9) Floor seal
§5) Disinfectants   10) Abrasive

§Cleaning Procedures :-
§MANUAL METHODS:= a) Sweeping b) Dusting c) Damp Dusting d) Moping e) Scrubbing f) Polishing
§MECHANICAL METHODS:- a) Suction Cleaning b) Buffing c) Polishing d) Burnishing e) Scrubbing f) Stripping
§Frequency of cleaning:-
§1) Daily task – These are routine operations carried out on a day-to-day basis by the cleaner. This includes the regular servicing of guest rooms, cleaning of bathrooms and toilets, suction cleaning of floors, dusting of furniture, etc.
§ 2) Weekly Task – This term implies the task carried out on a weekly basis. This may include the work like polishing of metal, high dusting, dusting under the furniture, vacuum cleaning of upholstery, etc
§3) Periodic – This is the task carried out on a monthly, quarterly, half yearly or on annual basis. Some of the usual periodic task in the hotel includes shampooing of carpets, washing of walls, polishing of floors, cleaning of chandeliers.
§Organisation of Cleaning:
§a) Orthodox/ Conventional/Traditional cleaning – In this method of cleaning a GRA completes all the task in one guest room before going on to the next room in the section allotted to him/her. On an average a GRA may be required to clean 14-16 rooms in an 8 hr work day.
§b) Block Cleaning – In this way of cleaning, the GRA moves from room to room and completes the same task in every room before returning to begin the cycle again for the net task on the list. This involves blocking several rooms at a time to form a ‘room section’ and usually more than one GRA will be at work in the section. For example, the GRA might make all the beds in a particular room section while other GRA cleans the toilet, and the third GRA replenishes the supplies.
§Principles of cleaning:-
§All soil should be removed
§Sol should be removed without harming the surface being cleaned or the surrounding surfaces
§The surface should be restored to its original state after the cleaning process
§The simplest method should be tried first using the mildest cleaning agent
§Cleaning should proceed from high to low wherever possible
§When cleaning an area start with the cleaner surfaces and articles and then go to clean more heavily soiled areas so as to prevent the spread of soil dorm dirty to cleaner surfaces.
§While wet cleaning or polishing the floor, the cleaner should walk backwards while cleaning in front of him
§Suction cleaning should be preferred over sweeping wherever possible
§Sweeping should be done before dusting and dusting before suction cleaning
§Stains should be removed as soon as they occur
§ The cleaner should take all safety precautions while cleaning. In particular, cleaning agents and  should be stacked neatly to one side.
§The cleaner should start cleaning from the farthest end of an area working towards the exit 
§Types of soil:-
§ a) Dust- This is composed of loose particles deposited from the air. It contains both organic (human and animal hair, dead skin cells, plants) and inorganic (sand, dry earth) matter.
§b) Dirt – This implies dust held together firmly by moisture or grease on rough surfaces.
§c) Tarnish – This is a discolouration or deposition on a metal or alloy surface caused by chemical reaction with certain substances found in air, water and food stuffs. Different types of metals get tarnished when they are exposed to air (copper gets a greenish colour called ‘verdigris’).
§d) Stain – This is discoloration caused on a hard or soft surface by a substance containing dyes, proteins, acids or alkalis. Stains cannot be removed by routine cleaning process. It must be removed as soon as they occur using solvents to dissolve it or an acid or alkaline to neutralist it. 

different Silver Cleaning Methods in English you should know

žThe Silver cleaning methods used are

—The burnishing machine
—The polivit plate
—The plate powder
—Silver dip
—Quick dip

žThe burnishing Machine:

žIn this method, a revolving drum is half filled with small ball bearings, the  silver to be cleaned is placed inside the drum, and then half filled with water and  detergent.
žWhen the machine is on, the drum revolves, and the water and detergent act as lubricant between the silver and the ball bearings and gently removes any tarnish without leaving any scratches
žThe silver is then removed from the drum, rinsed and dried

žThe Polivit Plate:
žThe polivit plate, made of aluminium, is placed in a container with washing soda. The silver to be cleaned is placed in the container ensuring at least one of the silvers is in contact with the aluminium. Piping hot water is added to cover the silver. The chemical action of soda and aluminium removes the tarnish.
žThe silver is then rinsed in hot water and wiped dry.

žThe Plate Powder:
žPlate powder is mixed with spirit or water and rubbed over the articles to be cleaned. Once the paste is dried, it is rubbed with clean cloth. It is then rinsed well in hot water and dried with clean cloth.

žSilver Dip:
žThe silver is placed in the basket and immersed in the silver dip, and left for a very short period. It is then removed, rinsed in warm water, and wiped dry.

žQuick dip:
žIn this method, hot water, crushed aluminium foil, lemon juice, and salt are placed in a container and stirred. The silver is immersed in this solution for about 2 – 3 minutes. The chemical reaction removes the tarnish. The silver is rinsed in hot water, and wiped dry.

Tuesday 19 December 2017


These are developing outlets, which have not yet made a strong base in India. In places like U.S, U.K etc they have already make their mark and are best accepted. Mc Donald has stared this type of service in few of its outlets. This kind of restaurant may be attached to a hotel or stand-alone. They are normally situated at highways or near petrol pumps etc. This kind of outlet has no seating arrangement only a path around the outlet for vehicles to enter and exit. It has one or two counters where the attendant takes your order and payment, at the other counter if any pick up / delivery of the food is order is done. These outlets are time saving and economical.

Chai- bars
Just like coffee bar these outlets also deals with only one kind of beverage i.e. tea. In India, tea in the Hindi language is known as “chai”. These outlets may mostly have an informal atmosphere and seating arrangement. The menu here includes variety of tea based on different regions, method of preparation etc. These outlets may also provide light snacks on the menu to go along with the beverage. These outlets may be stand-alone or may be attached to a restaurant. If attached to a restaurant the same premises is used for service with a different menu card or tent card only for tea.

These outlets may be attached to a hotel, pastry shop or may be stand-alone. They may or may not have a seating arrangement. They may have a kitchen/ place attached to the outlet where bakery items are prepared. The ready to eat food items are then put at the counter for display. . The food items mainly deal with various bread preparations .The guests can then choose his food and make payment over or at the end of the counter.

Grill and eat
These are restaurants, which give a lot of emphasis on guests and their interests in food. The main attraction being the fact that guest has to pick ingredients, raw meat, vegetables etc of their choice from the counter & cook food himself on grillers / cooking range provided on the table itself. The grillers or cooking range is a part of the décor. The chefs are available for assistance at all times. The guests may not have knowledge of cooking & might harm themselves hence safety and first aid is also given importance. These kinds of restaurants may be attached to a hotel or stand-alone. Here they do have an elaborate seating arrangement. The restaurant may or may not a theme for itself depending upon the country, region or cuisine they are dealing with.

QSR: quick service restaurant
Theses are fast food outlets, which give importance not only to the pace but also to the quality of service delivered. These are basically stand-alone restaurants that might have a brand name attached to them; hence quality plays an important role here. The seating arrangement and ambience is usually informal. The service staff may or may not collect order from the table as some of these restaurants have counter service available.


Depending upon different factors like the client, the location, the volume of operation, peak hours etc. service can be of many different types to suit the requirements of a particular establishment. An establishment can have a particular type of service or a combination of service depending upon the requirement of the restaurant. The different types of service which one can some across are:

Silver service: 
This type of service involves service from entrée dishes and platters with the help of service spoon and fork on to the guest plate by the steward or the waiter. This is a very formal type of service which is carried out in very exclusive restaurants. Such kind of a service require skilled and professional staff. The service is slower in comparison to plated service. This is also known as English service.

Preplated Service: 
This kind of service involves service of preplated food. The food is pre portioned. Placed and garnished on the plate itself in the kitchen. The steward is supposed to just place the plate infront of the guest. Such kind of service does not require much skill and generally carried out in the coffeeshop where emphasis is on the pace of service and not on the quality of service. This is also called American service.

French Service: 
This service involves presentation of food to the guest individually by the service staff and the guests help themselves. This is also known as buttler service. Such kind of service is generally seen in the military establishment.

Russian Service:
 This kind of service involves the lay up of the table with the food already presented for the guest to have themselves. Sometimes wrongly referred to as gueridon service.

Gueridon service: 
This service involves preparation of food gueridon or the side table infront of the full view of the guests. Gueridon service involves operations like filleting, flambeying, carving, jointing etc. This kind of service generally requires special skills and generally seen in very high class restaurant. One of the most common item which is prepared on the gueridon is salads. In gueridon service the main preparations are done in the kitchen and the final touch is given on the gueridon inside the restaurant in the full view of the guests.

Bar counter service:
 hear the service is done on the semicircular counter to the guest who are seated on the other side of the counter. Generally seen in the bars. Now a day's seen in some fast food outlets as well.

Buffet service: 
this service involve presentation of food on the buffet counter in chafing dishes and large. platters and the guest are supposed to help themselves
A stand of buffet the only cutlery kept on the buffet is fork the guest have to help themselves from a separate counter for water as well. The guest are supposed to keep their dirty plate at a designet place and the stewards are supposed to clear them at a time.when a lot of guests are to be served in a short span of time this service is carried out.

Room service: 
this is done from the room service dept. of the hotel to guests staying in the room of the hotel only. Here the service is done with the help of trayes and trollies.the trollies are generally attached with hot cases to keep the food hot. Here the food is pre plated from kitchen and when it is carried on a tray the plate is covered with the plate cover.

Cafeteria service :
hear the food are displayed in the counters the guest are supposed to move around the counter to pick up the food as per they liking and pay at the end pf the counter. In certain cases the payment is done in way of coupons. Such kind of a service is generally seen in railway station and air ports.

Free flow:
 Here the guest can freely move to any service point but the exit is generally through one particular point where the bill may be paid. The advantage is that the guest does not have to stay in a queue for his meal.

Automatic vending machine: 
such kind of a service involves service from a machine is require a coin or token of a particular denomination and the product comes out through an outlet in the machine itself. These machine are not extensively used in India and the use is still confined to tea, coffee and packed milk etc.

 counters are at an angle in a free flow area for saving of space and expedite the service
Food court: there are counter of different cuisine and separate dining area . food can be picked up from the chosen area and it can be eaten in the dining area.

Super market:
 here there are island service counters and a separate dining area . here food can be picked up from any counter without having to wait or stand in a queue and can be eaten in the designated dining area.

Tray and trolley service: (in situ)
 this refer to service in an area which is not designed for the proper service of food and beverage like hospital and office premises. Here the service is done with the help of tray and trolley.

introduction to food and beverage outlet 2


Food and beverage outlets are the areas in a hotel where food and beverage are sold to both in-house and outside guests. The following types of food and beverage can be seen which may or may not attach to a hotel.

Specialty restaurant 

These restaurants deal in a particular type of cuisine like Chinese, Italian or French etc. Each and every aspect of the restaurant is typical and related to the area of region of community whose food is being served. The food, service, uniform, décor etc. are ethnic and authentic of the area whose cuisine the restaurant specializes upon. When one enters into such kind of restaurant one can feel the culture and tradition of that area. These restaurants may be attached to a hotel or may independently exist. They have specific hours of function and normally more expensive than ordinary restaurants.

Multi cuisine restaurant

These restaurants deal with more than one cuisine like Indian, Chinese and Continental etc. They are not as exclusive as the specialty restaurants. There is no emphasis on adherence to the culture and tradition of a particular area of region or community. They may be attached to a hotel or may independently exist. They generally have specific time of operation when attached to a hotel. They may be operating on a straight shift from morning till night when independently existing. They are not as highly priced as a speciality restaurant.


These food and beverage outlets deal with the alcoholic beverages only. They may be attached to a hotel or independently existing. They have certain specific hours of operation and the law strictly governs the operation. Their hours of operation, inventory, location and client to whom they should serve etc are governed and regulated by the law-enforcing agency.

Room Service

This food and beverage outlet is attached to a hotel and caters to the F and B requirements of the guests who are staying in the hotel only. These F and B outlets cannot independently exist. The service in room service is always in trays and trolleys. In a five star hotel the room service operates round the clock. The prices in the room service are generally more than the coffee shop.


This is generally attached to a hotel of restaurant. This outlet generally caters to a huge gathering of people who assemble in the banquet hall for events like reception, marriage party, birthday, conference, seminar etc. The service is generally from a buffet when a lot of guests have to be served within a short span of time. Sometimes formal lunch, dinner etc also takes place in banquet halls. This is the highest revenue producing F and B outlet in any commercial hotel. Sometimes banquet halls can independently exist where an outside contractor does the catering part.

Coffee Shop

This is generally attached to a hotel. In a five star hotel the coffee shop operates round the clock. It cannot independently exist. The service is very informal and emphasis is on pace of service. Service is generally snacks and very light meals.
The meals part is not as elaborate as the restaurant. Prices are not as exorbitant as the restaurants. Although the coffee shop is operational round the clock there are meal timings when the certain items are available which are not available at other times. There are some dishes, which are available all 24 hours. There is option of having a buffet in coffee shop.


A pub generally independently exists, which serves only beer. The atmosphere in a pub is generally very informal most pubs have a very informal seating arrangement and generally designed to suit the likings and requirements of the youth. They also have specific hours of operation and the law like a bar governs operations. Books of inventory and accounts are maintained as per the government regulation and are supposed to produce them before the concerned authority as and when required.


This may be attached to a hotel or may independently exist. The ones, which independently exist, are open to anybody who can pay but most allow only couples. The ones, which are attached to the hotels, are not only opened to the members but guests accompanied by members are also allowed. They also have specific hours of operations and are normally attached with a bar.

Pastry shop

They may be attached to a hotel or may independently exist. They deal with only pastry or pastry related products. Those, which are attached to hotels, deal with pastry prepared in the same hotel. The ones, which are not attached to hotels, have their own bakery either in the same premises of outside the premises. Service is done across the counter. Very limited seating arrangements may be provided if space permits.


These generally independently exist and are found in railway stations and airports etc. The service is generally self-service. Food is displayed in the counter and the guests helps himself in picking up the food as per his liking as he moves along the counter and finally pays the bill at the end of the counter. Sometimes payment of the bill may be through coupon also. Very informal atmosphere exists in these outlets and prices are not very high.

Poolside barbeque

These are generally attached to the hotels and operate near the poolside. They generally operate for lunch and dinner only. There are adequate lighting arrangements to take care of the dinnertime. The menu is not very elaborate and comprises a lot of grilled and barbequed items. Some light meals are also available. These outlets are generally attached with their own kitchens, which are more often than not makeshift. A bar may be attached to the outlet or alcoholic beverages may be served from the service bar. Once again the décor is very informal like a coffee shop. Service is very much similar to the coffee shop as well.

Grill Room

These kinds of hotels are generally attached to the star hotels although they can be found independently existing also. They specialize in grills and barbequed items only. The kitchen is separated from the service area by a glass partition so that guest can see the chef preparing the food. This give rise to impulse buying. The guests are normally assured of better hygienic condition as they can see the actual food preparation.

Permit Room

They are generally found in restaurants and in hotels existing in the dry states like Gujarat. In a restaurant there is a specific area where one can serve alcoholic beverages. The restaurant cannot pour alcoholic beverages an area outside this.
Same set of rules and regulations are applicable to the permit room as applicable to the bar. Prior license have to be secured from the appropriate authority before starting a permit room.

Night Club

They are generally attached to hotels and are open to members only. The operation starts late in the evening and goes on till late in the night. Stripes, cabarets and floorshows etc. are performed as a part of the entertainment. These are not seen in recognized star and commercial hotels. An elaborate menu is offered and the service is quite formal and extensive. It opens only for members. Alcohol is served to the members.

Fast Food Outlets/QSR

They are generally not attached to a hotel and are found independently existing. They serve fast foods, which are easy to prepare to easy to carry and eat. These outlets provide very limited seating arrangements and people are not encouraged to sit and pass time in these places. Service is done in disposable plates and packets. Patrons are supposed to get their food from across the counter. There may be one person to look after the clearance and cleanliness of the place. Very limited service is provided.

Coffee Bar: 

This is a very recent development and becoming very popular. These outlets deal with only coffee. They specialize in different types of coffee. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic coffees are served here. The alcoholic coffees are commonly called as speciality coffee.

Cyber Café

These are also very recent developments and fast growing in popularity. Each outlet provides computers with Internet facility and the guest can surf the Internet for a specific period of time paying certain amount of money. The outlet also provides light refreshments like tea, coffee and snacks to keep the people engaged when there are two different sessions with the computer.

Vending machine

Such kind of a service involves service from a machine is requiring a coin or token of a particular denomination and the product comes out through an outlet in the machine itself. These machines are not extensively used in India and the use is still confined to tea, coffee and packed milk etc.

Pizza outlets

These are outlets that mostly stand-alone. These outlets have been a recent development in India over the past decades. Their food mainly deals with pizzas. They also offer food & beverage like pasta, garlic bread, soft drinks, ice-tea etc. In India chains like Pizzeria, U .S pizza, Pizza hut, Smoking Joe’s etc are very popular. This trend has given rise to the franchising business, hence making pizza a youth food trend along with family and office treat zones. Basically covering all age groups of people. These outlets also deal with home delivery and take away. They usually have a moderate or minimum seating arrangement in an informal manner or tables are attached to walls with high chairs. Here one can enjoy hot & fresh food. One also has the optional at most places to plan their own pizza as per the available ingredients in the menu.

Home delivery/ take away 

This has been a recent trend over the past few years. As the name suggests, these outlets deal with delivery of food till your doorstep. These are stand-alone restaurants (kitchen only) that emphasize only on quick preparation of food & its delivery. There is no seating arrangement available here. The staff may contain chefs, order taker, cashier and delivery boys. The order taker takes orders over the phone or of walk in guest, notifies the kitchen and hands over the food packets to guest or delivery boys. He also might take the cashiering responsibilities at the counter, which might be overlooked by the manger. Normally such outlets do not charge for home delivery. Food is provided in plastic containers, aluminum foils, plastic bags etc. These outlets must not be confused with restaurants, which provide services of home delivery.

some terms related to hotels or restaurants 2

some terms related to hotels or restaurants 2

Hors d’oeuvre
Hors d’oeuvre course aimed to stimulating the palate, and consists of small tasty dishes, using a large array of different items such as anchovies, olives, cheese and smoked fish. They are often referred to a starters or appetizers. This course could also include salads.
Entee is the first meat in a French Classical menu. It usually comprises a dish made up of steak, cutlets, casseroles or stews. Some example are Steak au poirre, Veal cutlets, and Irish stew.
This is the fruit course in the French classical menu and usually presented in a basket (Corbielle de Fruits) and placed on the table, as part of the table décor, and served at the end of the meal. All forms of fresh fruit and nuts may be served in this course.
Table Service
It is a type of service. Table service is the service done at the table, where the guests are seated. In the table service either service personnel or waiter serves the food to the guests or the guests help themselves.
American service
American service is a pre-plated service which means that the food is served onto the guest’s plate in the kitchen itself and brought to the guest. The portion is predetermined by the kitchen and the accompaniments served with the dish balances the entire presentation in terms of nutrition and color. This type of service is common in a coffee shop where service is required to be fast.
English service
English service is often referred to as “Host Service” or “Silver service”. The food is brought on platters by the waiter and is shown to the host for approval. The waiter then portions the food and serves to the guest plate.
French service
It is a very personalized service. Individual portioned food is brought from the kitchen in dishes and slavers which are placed directly on the table. The plates are kept near the dish and the guests help themselves.
Russian service
Table is laid with food for guests and presentation is done elaborately. Guests help themselves. This is an elaborate silver service much on the line of French service. Display and presentation are the major part of this service. Some parts of the service such as carving and portioning etc are done by the waiter.
Gueridon service
This is a service done from the gueridon trolley. The cooking is done at the gueridon trolley place near the guest table and service is done at the guest table. The waiter plays an important role as he is required to fillet, carve, flambé and prepare the food with showmanship.
Self Service
In the self service the service is done by customer themselves. The guests collect the food from the counters and then he/she may sit at the table or stand at high table to have the food.
Counter service
Counter service sometimes called cafeteria service. The guests come in line, collect their food from the counter and seat at the table to have the food. Food may be grouped together such as cold and hot, or main course and desserts etc. In some places the guests also have to clear the empty plates and cutleries after having the food.
In echelon service the counters are arranged in such a way that it provides better view of the foods and arranged in angular way.
The carousel is a circular counter that revolves to display the food items. The carousel is fitted in such a way that the one side is always inside the kitchen and other side is in the service area. As the carousel revolves the counter is filled up from the kitchen and guests selects the food as it revolves.
Cavery is a type of assisted service. This service method includes both table service and self service. Some parts of the service is done by the waiter at the table and some parts of the service is done guests themselves.
Take away
The food order is placed at a counter and the food is collected from the same counter and take the food away from the premises for consumption.
Drive thru
The customer drives the vehicle to the counter and orders and collects the food and leaves the counter.
Vending Machine
The customer inserts the value of the food item displayed in the vending machine and selects the food by pressing a knob. The vending machine dispenses the selected food. The vending machine can dispense hot or cold food.
Food courts
Food courts include series of individual counters where customer may either order and eat, or buy from a number of counters and eat in separate eating area.
Kiosks are outdoor arrangements that provide food and beverages to people in a specific location.
Specialized Service/ In-Situ
In-situ service is the service provided at the place, which is primarily not meant for service. Examples of in-situ services are:
Tray service
In the tray service the food and beverages are brought in a tray and given to guests. Such service are seen in hospitals, guest rooms etc
Room service
In room service the service of food and beverages are done in the guest room. The food is taken to the guest room in a tray or room service trolley.
Drive-in service
The guests order the food from the vehicle parked at designated areas and service is done at the vehicle. The food is placed on trays that are clipped in the door or steering wheel.
Lounge service
In lounge service the food and beverage is served at the lounge area of a hotel
Mise-en-scene is the preparation of the environment of the restaurant before starting the service session. Creating a pleasing, safe and hygienic environment is the main task in the Mise-en-scene. For the waiter the restaurant is the service area. Before each service session, the restaurant should be made presentable enough o accept guests.
Mise-en-place means “putting in place” and the term denotes to the preparation of a work place for ultimate smooth service. To ensure that the restaurant is ready for service the waiter makes sure that this station has been efficiently prepared for service.
Guest Service Cycle
Guest service cycle refers to the activities provided to the guests while in the restaurant. Guest service cycle is the process, which repeats to every guest. Learning guest service cycle is very important, because a good waiter should know what are the activities done in the restaurant during the service.
Social Skill
Social skill is a skill, which enable us to deal with social situations. Social skills have an important part to play in food and beverage service. Because service is about meeting the guest’s psychological needs and making him feel welcome, and social skills are essential part of this process. Social skills can be used for selling of food and beverage products also.
Kot/ Bot Controll System
A variety of control systems are used in the hotel industry. One such important control system is the KOT control. When an order is taken from a guest, it is ordered in triplicate on a Kitchen Order Ticket. One copy goes to the kitchen, against which the chef prepared the dishes ordered for. The second copy goes to the cashier to make the bill. The third copy is the waiter’s copy, against which the food or beverage to be served to the guest is picked up
Specialty Restaurant
Speciality restaurant is a restaurant serves specialized cuisines. Service in a specialty restaurant is both formal and stylish. The prices tend to be high because of higher overheads. The menu may be an a la carte, buffet, or a table d’hote. Waiters should be highly skilled, as specialized services such as preparation of food at tables and flambés, may have to be done.
Coffee shop
Coffee shop is a 24 hours F&B outlet. Usually coffee shop situated near to the lobby of a hotel. Style of service is American that is pre-plated. The menu of coffee shop is varied. Menu comprises of Full-day menu or according to meal session.
Cafeteria Service

This service exists normally in industrial canteens, colleges, hospitals or hotel cafeterias. To facilitate quick service, the menu is fixed and is displayed on large boards. The guest may have to buy coupons in advance, present them to the counter waiter who then services the desired item. Sometimes food is displayed behind the counter and the guess may indicate their choice to the counter attendant. The food is served pre-plated and the cutlery is handed directly to the guest. Guests may then sit at the tables and chairs provided by the establishment.
Fast food Service
There is a predominant American influence in fast food style of catering. The service of food and beverages in a fast food restaurant is at a faster pace, than at an a la carte restaurant as the menu is compiled with a special emphasis on the speed of preparation and service. To make this type of service financially viable, a large turnover of customers is necessary. The investment is rather large, due to the specialized and expensive equipment needed and high labor costs involved.
Room service
Room service is offered to the resident guests. Guests order food and/ or beverages to the kitchen and order is taken by the room service order taker. Once the order is taken then it is passed to the kitchen. Once the order is ready the room service waiter serves the food and/ or beverage at the room. Along with the food, the bill is also presented to guest to be signed or payment.
Banquet Service
Banquet functions are the services provided at a fixed time and at a fixed venue. The banquet service is inevitable in a hotel due to its revenue earning potential. The reason is that banquet can offer service to a large number of guests at a time. Banquet service can be formal or informal.
Bar service
There are normally two kinds of bars in Indian hotels. One is the public bar, and the other is the service or dispense bar. The public bar is located in the public areas, and is used for the service of paying customers, be it in-house guess or non-residents. The dispense bar is used for dispensing drinks to other outlets of the hotel such as coffee shop, room service outlet, banquets and the specialty restaurant. It is generally located in the back area of the hotel and is open round the clock. It should be adequately equipped to meet the demands of all the outlets.
Vending Machine
Vending machines are machines dispensing food and beverages and placed at various places. The main advantages of vending machines are the convenience. But the main disadvantage is the limited choice. Vending machines does not require the help of service staff to operate.
Ancillary Areas and Services
Ancillary areas are the supporting areas of F&B service department. Without the help of the ancillary departments F&B service department cannot work smoothly. In this regard the ancillary departments are very important for F&B service department. Major ancillary departments in a five star hotel are the following.
1. Pantry
2. Still room
3. Silver room
4. Linen Room
5. Hot plate
6. Wash-up area
7. Kitchen stewarding
Pantry is the area situated between the Kitchen and Restaurant. Pantry consists of the following sections. Hot plate or food pick up area, Place to keep dirty plates and glasses, Place or box to keep soiled linens, Place to keep clean plates and cups, A sink to wash small equipments such as glasses and cups, A dispense Bar
Still Room
It is one of the very important supporting areas in the food and beverage department of the hotel. It provides the food and beverages for the service of meals which are not provided by the kitchen. The still room makes all the hot and cold non-alcoholic beverages needed for the restaurant.
Silver Room
Silver room is the place where all the silver wares are stored and cleaned. Still room holds the complete stock of all the silverware such as flatware, cutlery, hollowware etc. separate storage areas would be allotted to store different types equipments. It is very important area that the silver room should contain space for silver cleaning.
Linen Room
The linen room is important back of the house service area in a hotel. The linen room should stock minimum linen and uniform required to meet the daily demands so as to ensure smooth operations. Linen is changed daily in the restaurant and it is exchanged one on one basis from the linen room.
Hot plate
Hot plate is the food pick up area of the pantry. The service personnel is not allowed to enter the kitchen nor wait till food is being prepared. The waiter is hands over the KOT (Kitchen Order Ticket) to the Aboyer, who is in-charge of hot plate and in-turn aboyer announces the order to the kitchen. Once the order is being prepared kitchen staff keeps the cooked food in the hot plate.
Wash-up area
The wash-up area comprises of wash sinks, dish washing machines, rack to keep cleaned dishes, and tables. All the utensils are washed, cleaned, dried and keep here for further use.
Kitchen stewarding

This department primarily controls the storage and issue of cutlery, crockery, hollowware, chinaware, glassware to the different food and beverage outlets and kitchens. Kitchen stewarding department supplies all cleaned service equipment to waiter. This department is also responsible for washing solid service ware and subsequently furnishing clean items.


some important principles you need to know about cleaning

Cleaning Agents: § Cleaning agents are perhaps the most critical aids of housekeeping staff in their job to keep their house neat and ...